CO Code Status

CO code status data is published to the website from the CNAS master database every night from Monday through Friday.

CO Code status data is provided here to assist carriers in determining which codes are available for applications and also for the general public to know where assigned codes are located. Networking and routing information can be found in the LERG™ Routing Guide (LERG) (see Commission Letters 8698-C12-08/00 and 8698-C12-14/01)

Interim Measures to Limit the Assignment of CO Codes (2023-10-30)

The CNA has received direction via a CRTC Secretary General letter to immediately implement interim measures of limiting the assignment of geographic CO Codes. The following excerpt is from the direction:
"...the Commission directs, effective immediately, the implementation of an interim measure requiring the CNA to limit the assignment of geographic CO codes to the July 2023 round of Numbering Resource Utilization Forecast (NRUF) on a yearly, per carrier, and per Numbering Plan Area (NPA) complex basis, for all carriers, and 80% of the forecasts for any carrier who has forecasted more than 20 codes for any given year and NPA complex. Under this measure, carriers will still be able to obtain telephone numbers to grow their business as the forecast covers the period from 2023 to 2029. However, if a carrier requests CO codes beyond those levels, it will have to apply to both the CNA and the Commission, justifying why additional resources are required."

Jeopardy Contingency Plan

The following NPA(s) are currently in a Jeopardy Condition. When an NPA is in Jeopardy, a Jeopardy Contingency Plan is put into effect for that NPA and must be followed. Jeopardy Contingency Plans for NPAs can be accessed on their respective Relief Planning pages which can be accessed at the links below:
  • There are no NPAs in a Jeopardy Condition at this time
While the following NPA(s) are no longer in a Jeopardy Condition, code restrictions are still currently in place:

Access the CO code (NXX) status data for a specific NPA by clicking on the links below.
The data is available in both a friendly HTML Format and in CSV Files below the map. See below for notes related to a given NPA.

Canadian Area Codes Map Canadian Area Codes Map

(You may find a higher resolution NPA map in the Area Code Maps section)

HTML (CSV) Format

The CO code status for all NPAs are available in this compressed CSV file (requires a ZIP decompression utility).

For information regarding regulated and non-regulated exchanges, please visit the CRTC website for the forborne list.

* Notes

The role of the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) is being performed by COMsolve Inc. under contract with Canadian Numbering Administration Consortium Inc. (CNAC). The CNAC Privacy Policy and the Website Terms of Use may be found using the following links:
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