NPA Relief Overview
NPA Relief Planning is a public process that is described by Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guideline. The Guideline also identify and describe the major roles and responsibilities of the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA), Relief Planning Committee (RPC) participants, Interested Parties and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) with respect to the NPA Relief Planning Process.
To increase public awareness and participation in this process, the CRTC has determined that NPA Relief Planning Committees will be established as ad hoc committees of the CRTC Industry Steering Committee (CISC). Generally, a separate ad hoc committee is created to deal with relief in each area code. The CNA, in its function as NPA Relief Planning Coordinator, acts as chair of these ad hoc committees. Meetings and conference calls of the ad hoc NPA Relief Planning Committees are all open to public participation. Copies of the documentation created for or during these meetings appear below. In addition, copies of any CRTC public notices, decisions, orders or other correspondence related to relief planning for individual NPAs also appear below.
When rendering a decision on an NPA Relief Plan it is important to note that the CRTC considers not only the recommendations of the ad hoc NPA Relief Planning Committees, but also those of all other participants in the public process.
Any person wishing to participate in the NPA Relief Planning process can contact the CNA and request to be added to NPA-specific distribution lists. In addition, individuals can also register with the CRTC as interested parties to any proceedings that result from the NPA Relief Planning process. More information on how to participate in CRTC public processes is available at:
- NPA Status Report prepared for CSCN 131(posted 2025-02-04)
- NPA Relief Planning Chairperson's Report to the CISC(posted 2024-02-13)
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