Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering

Mission Statement

The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) is an open public forum established as a subtending Working Group of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) to consider and resolve numbering resource issues. The CISC is a committee comprised of various industry representatives that was initiated to facilitate implementation of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local Competition. The mandate and administrative processes of the CISC are contained in the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Administrative Guideline. As per Appendix 1, Item 6, of those Guideline, the mandate of the CSCN is to undertake tasks related to numbering issues on matters assigned by the CRTC that fall within the scope of the CRTC jurisdiction. The mandate of the CSCN is further defined in Section 3 of the CSCN Adjunct to the CRTC Industry Steering Committee Administrative Guideline. This Adjunct also describes the administrative processes of the CSCN. To raise an issue at the CSCN, a participant may submit a completed Task Identification Form (TIF) to the CSCN for consideration using the CSCN TIF Template. Regulatory authority for the administration of domestic numbering resources by the CRTC is contained in section 46 of the Telecommunications Act.

The CRTC approved numbering resource assignment guideline are maintained on the CRTC Web Site.

Meeting Minutes

CSCN minutes can be found at the CRTC website

CSCN Meetings

The CSCN holds both face-to-face meetings and conference calls. The face-to-face meetings are generally held 3 times each year over a period of about 1 to 2 days. At each meeting, the CSCN conducts a review of its activities including the agenda, action items, minutes, active TIFs, referred issues, proposed consensus TIF Reports, proposed new TIFs, other business, and correspondence received. Additional special meetings may be held at any time to address specific issues.

The Agenda for each regularly scheduled CSCN face-to-face meeting is discussed and agreed in advance at a special CSCN Agenda Setting conference call held about 2 weeks in advance of each regularly scheduled CSCN face-to-face meeting. The scheduled meetings are identified at

The CSCN also arranges for conference calls which generally last 1 to 3 hours to address specific TIFs or other CSCN matters. CSCN conference calls may be scheduled at any time by the CSCN or the CSCN Chair. If you wish to be informed of CSCN meetings and conference calls, you must have an email address and be on the CSCN distribution list.

Anyone may request to be placed on the CSCN distribution list and receive all information sent out to CSCN participants. The Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) maintains the CSCN distribution list on this web site. Please contact Kelly T. Walsh 613-702-0016 ext. 205 of the Canadian Numbering Administrator if you wish to be added to the CSCN distribution list. Please provide your name, title, organisation name, postal address, telephone number and email address.

For further information contact the CSCN chair Mr. Kelly T. Walsh 613-702-0016 ext. 205

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